Leave the office at peaceLeave the office with fewer worries. No more interrupting family dinner to answer business calls. Don't worry, you're covered after 5 pm. | Professional, consistent voiceAnswer your customers, tenants, and employees with a professional greeting. Every single time. | Gain customer data & insightsCollect call data to identify trends and common themes among your customer inquiries. Get in front of the call. | Be available 24/7100% true coverage with Telelink Answering. Never miss another call. Never miss another opportunity. |
When comparing a virtual receptionist and an in-house receptionist, the first thing everybody wants to know is "how much does it cost?"
An in-house receptionist in Canada costs approximately $36,000 per year in salary alone. A common rule of thumb for all-in employee costs is 1.25x salary (to account for vacation, insurance, retirement fund contributions, etc). That's $45,000 a year. Employing one full-time receptionist in-house will cover your business from 9-5 on Monday-Friday, leaving your office vacant and unadministered during evenings and weekends. To have 24/7 coverage for clients and potential new customers you would require 3 full-time receptionists (3 x 8 hours shifts per day). The all-in cost for 24/7 reception support becomes $135,000.
A virtual reception service, providing 24/7 reception coverage will cost approximately $200-500 per month or $2,400-6,000 per year.
Turnover is costly. In 2022, during The Great Resignation businesses everywhere are scrambling to find, hire, train, and keep employees. With the average cost per hire above $4,000, the threat of internal turnover is greater than ever. With a virtual reception service the burden of cost-to-replace (along with all other training and coaching costs) falls upon the service provider. One less thing to worry about for you.
What about all the admin duties that my receptionist does? A full-time receptionist does more than answer your phone calls, they also book appointments, update records in your CRM, and they can make outbound calls to deploy or dispatch necessary services on your behalf. You guessed it, your virtual receptionist can now do all this too!
A virtual reception service doesn't get sick, they don't take holidays, and they never miss a call. Virtual receptionists know how important every call is to your business, that's why nearly all calls are answered within 30 seconds or less.
Save a considerable amount of money this year and try a virtual receptionist. Month-to-month contracts make it easy to get started. You can also use a virtual reception service for just evening and weekend coverage to compliment your existing full-time receptionist.
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